Photo by Luke Christopher


Creativity comes from many places and in many forms. For me, each piece comes from a story that has deep meaning to me. The story forms an image and it travels from my mind to the sketch book. From there, the energy flows and the design becomes a three dimensional figure. There is a great sense of flow from thought to needle and thread. It is this energy that speaks through the doll. I have observed a guest standing…staring at a piece. When I ask them what they are feeling, they begin to tell me a story that the doll represents from deep inside them. Our relationship with art is just that… a connection, a moment in time or a familiar feeling that begs us to remember.

“Any work of art must first of all tell a story.”

Robert Frost

“Art is not what you are, but what you make others see.”

Edgar Degas

It is my hope that my dolls will invite you to tell a story,

to connect with a place deep inside and bring you joy and happiness.

Cheryl Reisler